Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "霽", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "霽", and master the standard way of writing the character "霽".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 霽
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "霽" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
【本义】: 雨止
【Origin】: A phonetic-ideographic character combining "rain" and "齐声".
1. 同本义 (rain stop):
- 引: 《說文》:霽,雨止也。
- 引: 《書·洪範》:曰霽。 鄭注:「兆之光明如雨止。」
- 引: 《漢書·溝洫志》:旬日不霽。
- 例: 又如: 霽雨(雨停); 霽後(雨停後); 雪霽.
2. 雨後或雪後轉晴 (clear up (after rain or snow)):
- 引: 《淮南子·本經》:霜雪不霽。
- 引: 唐·杜牧《阿房宮賦》:複道行空,不霽何虹?
- 引: 宋·姜夔《揚州慢》:夜雪初霽。
- 例: 又如: 霽日(雨後見日的晴朗天氣); 霽朝(雨後初晴的早晨); 霽景(雨後鮮明的景色); 霽青(陶瓷色名。如雨後晴空的青色).
3. 怒氣消散,臉色轉和 (calm down (after a fit of anger)):
- 例: 如: 霽顏; 色霽.
In summary, the character "霽" refers to the cessation of rain or snow and the resulting clear weather, as well as the calming of anger and returning to a peaceful demeanor.