韹 (pronunciation: yán)
1. A sound word representing a resonance similar to “鍠鍠” (huáng huáng) or “喤喤” (huō huō). This is an onomatopoeic term.
- 代表“鍠鍠”或“喤喤”的象声词。
2. In the work "Erya" (尔雅), it is noted that “韹韹, 乐也” which translates to "韹韹 signifies music."
- 在《尔雅》中提到:“韹韹,乐也”。
3. The sound of bronze instruments.
- 铜器的声音。
4. In "Jiyun" (集韻), it states: “韹, 铜器声,” meaning "韹 represents the sound of bronze instruments."
- 在《集韵》中提到:“韹,铜器声”。