Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "頻", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "頻", and master the standard way of writing the character "頻".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 頻
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "頻" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 屢次,連次:frequently; repeatedly
- 例:~繁。~仍。~數(次數多而接連)。~率。~譜。捷報~傳。
- Example: frequent and abundant; continue; numerous times (many occurrences in succession); frequency; pattern. Swift news transmitted continuously.
2. 危急:urgent
- 例:“國步斯~”。
- Example: "The fate of the nation is urgent."
3. 並列:stand side by side
- 例:“百嘉備舍,群神~行”。
- Example: "Hundreds of good things equipped, gods stand side by side."
4. 古同“ 顰 ”。: anciently the same as "wrinkle the brows."
本义: 皺眉 (Knit the brows)
造字法: 會意。从步,從頁。頁:人頭。《說文》认为步是“涉”的省略。人將要渡河,見水深,皺眉而止。
1. 同本义 (Knit the brows)
- 引例: 《孟子》:已频顣曰。
- Example: In "Mengzi": He furrowed his brows.
2. 接近;临近 (near)
- 引例: 百姓流亡,频于涂炭。——晋·潘岳文。
- Example: "The people are fleeing and are near to suffering."
3. 並列 (stand side by side)
- 例: 频行 (frequently moving in parallel).
1. 重复,连续 (continued)
- 引例: 《字彙》:频,连也。
- Example: "In the dictionary: frequent means continuous."
2. 危急;紧急 (urgent)
- 引例: 《诗·大雅·桑柔》:于科有哀,国步斯频。
- Example: "The nation is in dire straits."
1. 在一定时间(常指1秒种)或范围内事物重复出现的次数 (frequency)
- 例: 音频;频带
- Example: frequency; bandwidth.
2. 假借为“滨”。水边 (waterfront; waterside)
3. 姓: surname.
1. 屢次;頻繁 (frequently; repeatedly; again and again)
- 引例: 《后汉书·李云传》:是时,地数震裂,众灾频降。
- Example: "At that time, earthquakes were frequent, and disasters fell continuously."
2. 例: 頻薦齒頰 (often mentioned); 頻送 (transmitted continuously).
古同“ 瀕”,水边地: Anciently the same as "borders," meaning waterfront land.