Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "骈", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "骈", and master the standard way of writing the character "骈".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 骈
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "骈" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
骈 (pián)
1. 两马并驾一车。
(A pair of horses pulling a carriage.)
1. 《说文》:骈,驾二马也。
("Shuo Wen": 'pián' means to harness two horses.)
2. 《尚书大传》:然后得乘饰车骈马。
("Book of Documents": Then one can ride with adorned carriage and paired horses.)
3. 嵇康《琴赋》:骈驰翼驱。
(Ji Kang "Qin Fu": 'pián' means to drive swiftly.)
又如: 骈马 (A carriage pulled by two horses.)
2. 两物并列,成双的,对偶的。
(Two objects arranged side by side, in pairs or in parallel.)
1. 唐· 韩愈《马说》:骈死于槽枥之间。
(Tang, Han Yu "On Horses": 'pián' dies between the stalls.)
2. 班固《东都赋》:骈部曲。
(Ban Gu "Ode to the Eastern Capital": 'pián' refers to the groups arranged side by side.)
又如: 骈集 (Gathered shoulder to shoulder); 骈田 (Parallel fields); 骈字 (Words composed of two characters); 骈化 (Merged or parallel transformation.)
3. 并联;合并。
(To combine or merge.)
1. 《左传·僖公二十三年》:曹共公闻其骈胁。
(The "Zuo Zhuan": Duke Cao heard the 'pián' of the ribs.)
又如: 骈然 (Connected); 骈合 (Merged.)
4. 聚集;罗列。
(To gather, assemble, or list out.)
如: 骈聚 (Gathered); 骈演 (Performing on the same stage); 骈齿 (Front teeth grown together); 骈蕃 (Abundant and thriving).
骈 (pián)
1. 通“胼”。胼胝,手掌脚底上的硬皮。
(Also refers to "pián". Callosity, hard skin on the palm or sole.)
1. 《孟子·滕文公下》:是故禹稷骈踬。
(Mengzi "Teng Wengong": Thus, Yu and Jici shared the callosity.)
2. 文体名。见“骈文”。
(A literary form, see "pián wén".)