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髳 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 髳

髳 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 髳

髳 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 髳

Pinyin máo、 méng
15 strokes
髳 [máo] 1. A hairstyle where the hair on the forehead is level with the eyebrows. - 额上头发齐眉的一种发式。 2. A minority group in ancient southwestern China. - 中国古代西南少数民族的一支。 3. An ancient hair style. - 古代的一种发式 ([En.] hair style) 4. The name of a minority group in ancient southwestern China, known as the Mao nationality, which was distributed in present-day southern Sichuan and northern Yunnan. - 古代西南少数民族名 ([En.] Mao nationality). 分布在今四川南、云南北一带 5. The condition of plants being dense and lush. - 形容词 草木丛生繁茂的样子。《尔雅.释诂》:「覭髳,茀离也。」晋.郭璞.注:「谓草木之丛茸翳荟也。」 6. An adjective describing the flourishing and dense condition of plants. - 形容词 草木丛生繁茂的样子。《尔雅.释诂》:「覭髳,茀离也。」晋.郭璞.注:「谓草木之丛茸翳荟也。」
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