Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "擎", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "擎", and master the standard way of writing the character "擎".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 擎
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "擎" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
擎 [qíng]
1. 向上托;举。
(To lift up; to raise.)
2. 支撑,承受住压力。
(To prop up; to bear; to support.)
3. 执持。
(To hold.)
4. 拱手。
(To cup one hand in the other before the chest.)
1. 明· 李渔《亲情偶寄·种植部》:与翠叶并擎。
(Example from Ming Dynasty author Li Yu's work regarding raising alongside green leaves.)
又如: 擎赍(拿着); 擎奇(举,持); 擎拳(举拳); 众擎易举
(For example: "擎赍" (to hold); "擎奇" (to raise); "擎拳" (to raise a fist); "众擎易举" (to easily hold up together).)
如: 擎抬(支持); 擎鹰走马(形容有钱有势人家逐猎玩乐的奢侈生活); 擎天架海(比喻能担当重任); 擎天(托住天。形容坚强高大有力量)
(For example: "擎抬" (to support); "擎鹰走马" (to describe a wealthy family's extravagant lifestyle); "擎天架海" (to metaphorically bear heavy responsibilities); "擎天" (to hold up the sky, describing strength and power).)
1. 李贺《送秦光禄北征诗》:今朝擎剑去,何日刺蛟回?
(Example from the poem by Li He regarding going off with a sword.)
如: 擎拳(拱手); 擎跽(拱手跪拜)
(For example: "擎拳" (to clasp hands); "擎跽" (to kneel with clasped hands).)