Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "暨", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "暨", and master the standard way of writing the character "暨".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 暨
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "暨" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
暨 [jì]
1. 和,及,与。
2. 到,至。
till: ~今 (till now)
3. 姓。
4. 【本义】: 太阳初升略现
Original meaning: The sun just rising and appearing slightly.
5. 【造字法】: 形声。从旦,既声。
Word formation: Phono-semantic compound; composed of the character for "morning" (旦) and the sound component (既).
6. 同本义 ([En.] part sun)
Same original meaning
7. 限制、遏制或限制的东西 ([En.] limit)
Something that restricts or limits
8. 引: 《说文》:暨,日颇见也。段玉裁注:“颇,头偏也。头偏则不能全见其面,故谓事之略然者曰颇,日颇见者,见而不全也。”
Reference: "Shuowen": "Ji, the sun is seen partly." - Duan Yucai's note: "Partly means not fully visible; hence, something that shows only partially is called 'partly seen'."
9. 例: 如:靡暨
Example: 如:靡暨
10. 和,与 (【英】:and)
11. 引: 《广东军务记》:广州府余暨、南、番二县。
Reference: "Guangdong Military Affairs Record": The remaining counties in Guangzhou Prefecture are Yu, Nan, and Fan.
12. 例: 又如:李先生暨夫人
Example: For instance: Mr. Li and his wife
13. 介: 直到某时 (【英】:till)
14. 例: 如:暨今
Example: 如: till now