Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "梵", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "梵", and master the standard way of writing the character "梵".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 梵
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "梵" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
梵 [fàn]
1. 关于古代印度的。
About ancient India.
2. 关于古代印度的:
- 梵语(印度古代的一种语言)。
Sanskrit (an ancient language of India).
- 梵文(印度古代的文字)。
Brahmi script (an ancient writing system of India).
3. 【本义】:
梵梵: 草木茂盛的样子。
Original meaning: Lush; the state of flourishing vegetation.
4. 【造字法】:
Formation: Phono-semantic; composed of the radical for "forest" and the phonetic "fan".
5. 【释义】:
- 同本义 ([En.] lush)
- 梵语Brahmā音译词“梵摩”、“婆罗贺摩”、“梵览摩”之省,意为“清净”、“寂静” ([En.] quiet)
- 佛经原用梵文写成,故凡与佛教有关的事物,皆称梵 ([En.] Buddhist).
- 梵文为古印度书面语,故对印度等地的事物,常冠以梵字,以示与中华有别 ([En.] Sanskrit).
6. 例句:
- 梵心(清净之心) [fàn xīn] - pure heart.
- 梵志(以清静为志) [fàn zhì] - aspiration for tranquility.
- 梵门(清净的法门) [fàn mén] - path to purity.
- 梵事(清净的佛事) [fàn shì] - pure Buddhist affairs.
7. 动词用法:
诵经 ([En]: patter). 如: 梵响(念佛诵经之声) [fàn xiǎng] - sound of chanting.
- 梵诵([En]: Buddhist chanting).
- 梵呗([En]: hymns in religious rituals).
8. 名词用法:
- 诵经声 ([En.] patter).
例句: 午梵隔云知有寺,夕阳归去不逢僧。
- 姓 (surname).
Overall, "梵" encompasses concepts related to ancient India, Buddhist practices, and the language Sanskrit, along with its meanings associated with purity and lushness.