Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "飯", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "飯", and master the standard way of writing the character "飯".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 飯
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "飯" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Definition: fàn
1. 吃飯。
[En.] eat
2. 以食飼人或餵牲口。
[En.] feed
3. 含。古代將米貝珠玉之類放入死者口中。
[En.] keep in the mouth
4. 手大指的最下處。
[En.] the lower part of the thumb
5. 煮熟的穀類食物,多指米飯。
[En.] cooked cereals, especially rice
Definition: fàn
1. 煮熟的穀類食物,多指米飯。
[En.] cooked cereals, especially rice
2. 又泛指為了滿足飢餓或食慾,在一個特定的時間吃進的一份食物。
[En.] also refers to a serving of food eaten at a specific time to satisfy hunger or appetite
3. 比喻無用之人。
[En.] person of good-for-nothing
Definition: fàn
1. 同本義。
[En.] eat
- Example: 《說文》:飯,食也。
- Example: 《禮記·玉藻》:飯飱者三飯也。
2. 給人餵飯或喂牲口。
[En.] feed
- Example: 《史記·淮陰侯列傳》:有一漂母見信飢,飯信。
3. 含。古代將米貝珠玉之類放入死者口中。
[En.] keep in the mouth
- Example: 《周禮·典瑞》:共飯玉。
4. 煮熟的穀類食物,多指米飯。
[En.] cooked cereals, especially rice
- Example: 《禮記·曲禮上》:毋摶飯。
5. 又泛指為了滿足飢餓或食慾,在一個特定的時間吃進的一份食物。
- Example: 早飯; 中飯; 一天三頓飯
6. 比喻無用之人。
[En.] person of good-for-nothing
- Example: 飯袋(譏諷只會吃飯而不學無術的人)