Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "涅", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "涅", and master the standard way of writing the character "涅".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 涅
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "涅" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
涅 (niè)
1. 可做黑色染料的矶石。
- Alunite, a type of rock that can be used to make black dye.
2. 〔~槃〕佛教指超脱生死的最高境界。后亦作僧人的代称。
- In Buddhism, refers to the highest realm of liberation from life and death; it later also serves as a monastic title.
3. 以黑色染物,以墨涂物。
- To dye something black or to paint with ink.
- 涅字(在身上刺字涂墨): Tattooing characters on the body.
- 涅面: Dyeing the face.
- 涅齿: Dyeing teeth black.
- 涅而不缁: Metaphor for noble character that remains untainted by external influences.
涅 (niè)
- 【本义】: 可做黑色染料的矾石
- 【造字法】: 形声。从水,从土,曰声。
1. 同本义 ([En.] alunite)
- Alunite.
2. 黑泥 ([En.] black mud)
- Black mud.
- 《说文》:涅,黑土在水中者也。
- 《西山经》:女床之山,其阴多石涅。
- 《淮南子·俶真》:今以涅染缁,则黑于涅。
例: 又如:涅石(黑矾石,可为染料).
3. 古代河流名 ([En.] Nie River)。在今山西、河南、广东都有涅水。
- An ancient river name, known as the Nie River, found in current Shanxi, Henan, and Guangdong provinces.
涅 (niè)
1. 染黑 ([En.] dye black)
- To dye black.
- 《论语·阳货》:涅而不缁。
例: 又如:涅齿(染黑牙齿);涅污(染污).
2. 纹身 ([En.] tattoo)
- To tattoo.
- 范成大《清远店诗·序》:是主家私自黥涅。
例: 又如:涅墨(在人身上刺字或刺成图案,再涂以墨);涅手(在手臂上刺字涂墨);涅文(纹身的文字或图案);涅面(在脸上刺字或刺图案).