Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "甩", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "甩", and master the standard way of writing the character "甩".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 甩
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "甩" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
甩 [shuǎi]
1. 抡,扔: cast; throw
- 例如: 甩手; 甩开膀子(形容使出全部力气)
- Example: throw one's hand; swing one's arms (to exert full strength)
2. 抛开,抛去: leave behind; cast off
- 例如: 甩卖; 甩闲话
- Example: sell off at a low price; dismiss idle chatter
3. 虫类下卵: lay egg
- 例如: 蚕蛾甩子儿
- Example: the silkworm moth lays eggs
4. 摆动: swing
- 例如: 小女孩一跑,辫子就来回甩动; 甩胳膊
- Example: When the little girl runs, her braid swings back and forth; swing one's arms
5. 遗弃或放弃: abandon; leave behind
- 例如: 把朋友甩了
- Example: leave behind a friend
1. 《红楼梦》:将手里的绢子一甩,向宝玉脸上甩来。
Example: In "Dream of the Red Chamber," she flicked the silk in her hands towards Baoyu's face.
2. 《百合花》:等我紧走慢赶地快要走近他时,他又噔噔地自个儿向前走了,一下又把我甩下几丈远。
Example: In "Lily Flower," when I was trying to catch up to him, he suddenly moved forward, leaving me several feet behind.