窈 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 窈
Stroke Order Diagrams for 窈
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 窈
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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "窈", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "窈", and master the standard way of writing the character "窈".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 窈
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "窈" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "窈" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 窈
deep / quiet and elegant
窈 (yǎo)
Describes a woman as quiet and beautiful; refers to palaces, mountains, and waters as deep and winding.
Elegant and graceful.
Far-reaching, quiet and secluded.
1. 同本义 (far-reaching)
2. 幽静 (quiet and secluded)
3. 通“杳”。昏暗 (dark)
4. 美好 (fine)
5. 通“幽”。隐蔽,隐微 (conceal)
1. 《说文》:窈,深远也。
2. 《广雅》:窈,深也。
3. 《老子》:窈兮冥兮。王注:“深远之叹。”
("Deep and obscure. Commentary: A sigh of depth and distance.")
4. 《史记·项羽记》:窈冥昼晦。
5. 《庄子·在宥》:至道之精,窈窈冥冥。
6. 宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》:由山上五六里,有穴窈然。
窈杳 (幽远的样子);
窈纠 (幽深曲折);
窈悠 (深远的样子);
窈陷 (深凹);
窈妙 (精微,幽远);
窈冥 (深远难测);
窈坳 (幽怨);
窈郁 (幽深的样子);
窈丽 (幽深而秀丽);
窈蔼 (深远; 幽暗);
窈停 (深目高鼻的样子);
窈深 (幽深; 深邃);
窈黑 (深邃幽暗);
窈然 (深远的样子; 幽深的样子);
窈蔚 (幽深繁茂).
1. 苏轼《与客游道场何山得写字》:高堂俨象设,禅室各深窈。
2. 窈寞 (幽静);
窈峭 (高峻峭拔).
1. 司马相如《长门赋》:天窈窈而昼阴。
2. 江淹《杂体诗》:窈霭潇湘空。
窈昧 (幽暗);
窈窈 (深冥的样子; 幽暗的样子).
1. 清·吴光《泊湘口二妃庙是萧湘二水会处》:月华临夜空,青山窈多姿。
窈妙 (美好);
窈纠 (形容步履舒缓,体态优美);
窈娜 (形容体态柔美);
窈娆 (轻柔细长的样子);
窈眇 (美妙,美好).
1. 《淮南子·道应》:可以阴,可以阳; 可以窈,可以明。
俞樾云: "窈,读为幽。"
2. 《史记·项羽本纪》:扬沙石,窈冥昼晦。
a quiet and modest maiden / a gentle and graceful young woman
sweet, fair, and graceful (of a woman) / a seductive woman / secluded (bower)