1. Same as "夭" (to die young or prematurely).
2. (verb) to die young; to die prematurely.
Example: In "玉篇·歹部," it states: "殀, to die; also written as 夭."
In "孟子·尽心上," it mentions: "A short lifespan does not occur twice; cultivate oneself and wait for it."
In "楚辞·屈原·离骚," it describes: "Although I strive to avoid death, ultimately I perish in the wilderness of feathers."
3. To harm or torture.
Example: In "礼记·王制," it states: "Do not kill embryos; do not destroy their lives."
In "病梅馆记" by Gong Zizhen, it mentions: "One must not make the people of the world devote their lives to harming and profiting from sickly or dying plums."