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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "殡", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "殡", and master the standard way of writing the character "殡".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "殡" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
a funeral / to encoffin a corpse / to carry to burial
殡 bìn
1. 停放灵柩或把灵柩送到墓地去。
(To keep a coffin in a temporary shelter before burial.)
2. 泛指丧葬事务。
(General term for funeral and burial matters.)
【本义】: 停柩待葬
(Basic meaning: To keep a coffin waiting for burial.)
【造字法】: 形声。从歹,宾声。“歹”,本作“歺”,音 è,隶变以后成为“歹”。汉字部首之一。从“歹”的字多与死、坏或不吉祥等义有关。
(Structuring principle: Phono-semantic compound. The character consists of "歹" (bad) and the sound element "宾." The original form was "歺," which transformed into "歹" after the evolution of the script. Characters with the radical "歹" often relate to death, decay, or inauspicious meanings.)
1. 《说文》:殡,死在棺,将迁葬柩,宾遇之。
(Shuowen: "殡" refers to death in a coffin before it is moved for burial.)
2. 《论语·乡党》:于我殡。
(Analects: "At my place, there is a funeral.")
3. 《左传·僖公三十二年》:晋文公卒,庚辰,将殡于曲沃。
(Zuo Zhuan: "Duke Wen of Jin died; on the day of Gengchen, the funeral was to take place in Quwo.")
4. 《北史·高丽传》:死者殡在屋内。
(Beishi: "The deceased was laid in state indoors.")
- 殡宫 (place where a coffin is temporarily housed before burial in ancient times)
- 殡阶 (a platform where the coffin is placed in the west during the Zhou Dynasty as a sign of respect)
- 殡棺 (a coffin that has been prepared for burial but not yet buried)
(General term for all matters related to funerals and burials.)
1. 孙稚圭《北山移文》:道秩长殡,法筵久埋。
(Sun Zhigui: "The road of long funerals and the public ceremonial gatherings are buried deep.")
- 殡丧 (general term for funerals)
- 殡服 (mourning attire worn during a funeral)