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殣 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 殣

殣 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 殣

殣 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 殣

Pinyin jìn
15 strokes
殣 (jìn) 1. Bury. 2. Die of hunger. 3. Present oneself before. 【本义】: To bury, to entomb. 【造字法】: Phonetic-ideographic character. "歹" indicates a relation to death. 引: 1. 唐·徐彦伯《比干墓》:冤骸悲莫殣。(Translation: The tragic remains can only be buried in sorrow.) 2. 《大戴礼记》:天之饥馑,道无殣者。(Translation: There should be no starvelings when the heavens bring famine.) 3. 《汉书·礼乐志·天门》:神裴回若留放,殣冀亲以肆章。(Translation: When the spirits come down, they are to be presented before.) 名: A person who dies of hunger (starveling). 引: 1. 《左传》:道殣相望。(Translation: On the road, starvelings can be seen in both directions.) 名: 1. Tomb, grave. 《国语·楚语下》: "The people are weak and starving; the situation has become severe. Throughout the land, starvelings can be seen." 2. 饿死 (to die of hunger). 《大戴礼记·千乘》: "Thus, when the harvest fails, there should be no starvelings in the land." 动: 1. To die of hunger. 《大戴礼记·千乘》: "Therefore, when the harvest fails, there should be no starvelings." 2. To bury, to entomb. 《荀子·礼论》: "One should not adorn the coffin or walk during the day, so as to bury at dusk." 3. 《魏书·卷七·高祖纪下》: "When encountering ruined tombs and exposed coffins on the road, stop the carriage to bury them."
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