Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "蹈", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "蹈", and master the standard way of writing the character "蹈".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 蹈
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "蹈" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
蹈 [dǎo]
1. 践踏,踩。 (Tread, stamp)
- 如: 赴汤蹈火 (go through fire and water)
- 重蹈覆辙 (repeat the same mistakes)
- 《书经·君牙》: "心之忧危,若蹈虎尾,涉于春冰。" (The worry of the heart is like stepping on a tiger's tail, crossing on spring ice.)
2. 跳动。 (Jump)
- 如: 手舞足蹈 (dance with joy)
- 唐·李商隐〈韩碑〉诗: "愈拜稽首蹈且舞,金石刻画臣能为。" (The more I bow and pay my respects, the more I dance; I'm capable of etching gold and stone.)
3. 投身。 (Throw oneself in)
- 如: 《史记·卷八三·鲁仲连邹阳传》: "彼即肆然而为帝,过而为政于天下,则连有蹈东海而死耳,吾不忍为之民也。" (He brazenly acted as emperor; if he governed the world, then at most, I would plunge into the East Sea and die, I cannot bear to be his people.)
4. 遵循,实践,履行。 (Follow, practice, carry out)
- 如: 循规蹈矩 (follow rules)
- 《谷梁传·隐公元年》: "若隐者可谓轻千乘之国,蹈道则未也。" (If a recluse is said to lightly regard a country of a thousand chariots, then to follow the Way would be otherwise.)
- 唐·韩愈〈争臣论〉: "夫不以所居之时不一,而所蹈之德不同也。" (One does not differ by the times they occupy, but by the virtues they follow.)
5. 朝某方向走;行。 (Go in a certain direction)
- 如: 蹈敌 (march to meet the enemy)
- 《荀子·儒效》: "故无首虏之获,无蹈难之赏。" (Thus, there is no gain from capturing the head of the enemy and no reward from facing difficulties.)
6. 乘;利用。 (Use)
- 如: 蹈瑕 (exploit a failure)
- 蹈隙 (take advantage of a gap)