Definition of 「蹠」:
1. The part of the foot that is close to the toes.
2. The sole of the foot.
3. Noun: The sole of the foot. In the Shuowen Jiezi, it is stated: "跖,足下也" (Zhi, below the foot). Qing Dynasty scholar Duan Yucai annotated: "Today, it refers to the sole of the foot." In Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu's work "Funeral Address for Zhang Yuanwai of Henan," he wrote: "At night resting on the southern mountain, sharing the same mat; the guarding slaves' heads meet together at the soles."
名词 脚掌。《说文解字.足部》:「跖,足下也。」清.段玉裁.注:「今所谓脚掌也。」唐.韩愈〈祭河南张员外文〉:「夜息南山,同卧一席;守隶防夫,觝顶交跖。」
4. Noun: A personal name character. Referring to a great thief during the Spring and Autumn period, known at the time as "盗跖" (Dao Zhi).
名词 人名用字。春秋时大盗,当时人称为「盗跖」。
5. An alternative pronunciation for the first definition.
6. An alternative pronunciation for the first definition.