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骇 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 骇

骇 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 骇

骇 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 骇

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 骇

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "骇" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 骇 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "骇" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 骇 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 骇

Pinyin hài
9 strokes
astonish / startle
骇 hài 1. 惊惧。 - Frightened; terrified. 2. 惊起,散。 - Startled; dispersed. 同本义 ([En.] horse was astonished) - 1. 【本义】:马受惊 (The original meaning: horse was startled). - 引: - 1. 《说文》:骇,惊也。 (Shuo Wen: "骇" means to be scared.) - 2. 《汉书·梅乘传》:马方骇,鼓而惊之。 (Han Shu: "The horse is startled; it was shocked by the drum.") - 例: - 1. 骇驷 (a team of startled horses). 惊骇;惊诧;惊动 ([En.] be frightened; be shocked) - 2. 惊骇;惊诧;惊动 (Frightened; astonished; shocked). - 引: - 1. 明· 高启《书博鸡者事》:录事骇之。 (Ming: "The scribe was shocked.") - 2. 清· 纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》:骇问。 (Qing: "He asked in shock.") - 例: - 1. 骇汗 (sweating from fear); - 2. 骇浪 (terrifying waves); - 3. 骇突 (fleeing in panic); - 4. 骇殚 (overwhelmed with fear). 震动 ([En.] shock) - 3. 震动 (Shock). - 引: - 1. 《战国策·宋策》:而国人大骇。 (Warring States: "The people were greatly shocked.") - 2. 《荀子·王制》:庶人骇政。 (Xunzi: "Common people were shocked by the government.") - 例: - 1. 骇世 (shocking the world); - 2. 骇俗 (shocking customs); - 3. 骇惊 (to startle). 突发;兴起 ([En.] start) - 4. 突发;兴起 (To suddenly occur; to arise). - 引: - 1. 《广雅·释言》:骇,起也。 (Guangya: "骇 means to start.") - 例: - 1. 骇跳 (to erupt in a sudden jump); - 2. 骇机 (a sudden trigger; metaphorically for unexpected calamity). 惊扰;骚动 ([En.] disturb) - 5. 惊扰;骚动 (Disturb; unrest). - 引: - 1. 《吕氏春秋》:凡鸟之举也,去骇从不骇。 (Lushi Chunqiu: "All birds behave similarly, go startled without being startled.") - 2. 《新唐书》:三军万夫,环旋翔佯,晃骇之间,虏骑乘之。 (Xin Tang Shu: "The troops were startled and their movements disturbed.") - 例: - 1. 驰骋 (disturbance while rushing). 擂,击 ([En.] strike) - 6. 擂,击 (Strike). - 引: - 1. 《文选·张衡·西京赋》:燎京薪,骇雷鼓。 (Wenxuan: "Through burning wood, a shocking thunder was struck.") 播散 ([En.] sow) - 7. 播散 (To scatter). - 引: - 1. 曹植《洛神赋》:于是精移神骇,忽焉思散。 (Cao Zhi: "The essence moved and was shocked, then suddenly scattered").
hài rén tīng wén
shocking / horrifying / atrocious / terrible
jīng shì hài sú
universally shocking / to offend the whole of society
jīng tāo hài làng
perilous situation
hài rán
overwhelmed with shock, horror or amazement / dumbstruck / aghast
hài yì
be shocked / be astonished
jīng hài
to be shocked / to be appalled / to be terrified
zhèn hài
to astonish / to horrify
hài làng
swelling or stormy seas
hài kè
hacker (computing) (loanword)
hài pà
to be afraid / to be frightened
Input Method for 骇
Pinyin hai4
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters