Definition of 「㑾」:
1. Joy; happiness.
- 喜悦。《説文•人部》:“㑾,喜也。” (In the Shuowen Jiezi, it says: "㑾 means joy.")
2. Same as “傜”, which refers to:
1. Labor or service.
- 同“ 傜 ”。➊徭役。《玉篇•人部》:“㑾,㑾役也。” (In the Yupan, it says: "㑾 means labor.") 《廣韻•宵韻》:“傜,或作㑾。” (In the Guangyun, it says: "傜 can also be written as 㑾.")
2. Difference in size of objects.
- 物大小不同。《説文•人部》:“㑾,自關以西,物大小不同謂之㑾。” (In the Shuowen Jiezi, it states: "㑾 refers to different sizes of objects west of Guan.")
3. Comparison; analogy.
- 比较;比拟。《説文長箋•人部》:“㑾,方俗以彼比此曰㑾。” (In the extended commentary of Shuowen Jiezi, it mentions: "㑾 denotes comparison of local customs, comparing this to that.")