Definition of 「㣻」:
1. 嚴戒。也作“乂”、“艾”。
- Warning or admonishment. Also written as "乂" or "艾".
2. 困苦忧患。
- Hardship and distress.
Additional Information:
1. 嚴戒。也作“乂”、“艾”。《説文•心部》:“㣻,懲也。”《集韻•夳韻》:“乂,或作㣻,通作艾。”
- Warning or admonishment. Also written as "乂" or "艾". According to "Shuowen", in the heart section: "㣻 refers to punishment." According to "Jiyun", in the "Wen" rhyme: "乂 may be written as 㣻 and is interchangeable with 艾."
2. 困苦忧患。《玉篇•心部》:“㣻,困患也。”
- Hardship and distress. According to "Yupian", in the heart section: "㣻 refers to distress and suffering."
- Punishment and correction.