Definition of 「䋢」:
1. 編繩。 (To weave a rope.)
2. 弩腰鉤帶。 (The hook belt of a crossbow.)
3. 結。 (To tie or knot.)
4. 車向左邊回轉。 (The vehicle turns left.)
5. 輓。 (To pull or drag.)
1. 編繩。《説文•糸部》:“䋢,扁緒也。” (To weave a rope. "䋢, is a flat cord." - from "Explanations of Characters, Section on Threads.")
2. 弩腰鉤帶。《説文•糸部》:“䋢,弩腰鉤帶。” (The hook belt of a crossbow. "䋢, is the hook belt of a crossbow." - from "Explanations of Characters, Section on Threads.")
3. 結。《玉篇•糸部》:“䋢,結。” (To tie. "䋢, is to tie." - from "Jade Chapters, Section on Threads.")
4. 車向左邊回轉。《集韻•薛韻》:“䋢,御左回曰䋢。” (The vehicle turns left. "To turn left in the carriage is called 䋢." - from "Collected Rhymes, Section on Xue.")
5. 輓。《廣韻•屑韻》:“䋢,輓。” (To pull or drag. "䋢, is to pull." - from "Extensive Rhymes, Section on Xie.")