Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "亞", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "亞", and master the standard way of writing the character "亞".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 亞
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "亞" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Definition of 「亞」:
1. 次一等,次于。
- Second-rate, inferior.
2. 匹配;等同。
- Match; equivalent.
3. 挨着;靠近。
- Adjacent; close.
4. 掩,闭。
- Cover; close.
5. 少。
- Few; less.
6. 丑,难看。
- Ugly; unsightly.
7. 姐妹丈夫的互称。后作“婭”。
- Mutual reference of sisters' husbands; later written as "婭".
8. 俯;低垂。也作“壓”。
- Hang down; droop. Also written as "壓".
9. 亚洲的简称。
- Abbreviation for Asia.
10. 姓。
- A surname.
1. 次一等,次于。《左傳•襄公十九年》:“圭媯之班,亞宋子而相親也。”
- Second to something else. [From Zuo Zhuan: "The ranks of Guigui are closer to Songzi."]
2. 匹配;等同。《後漢書•班固傳》:“節慕原、嘗,名亞春、陵。”
- Matches; equivalent. [From Book of the Later Han: "Jiemu Yuan and Chang are ranked as Yachun and Ling."]
3. 挨着;靠近。唐元稹《山枇杷》:“亞水依巖半傾倒,籠雲隱霧多愁絶。”
- Close; nearby. [From a poem by Yuan Zhen: "The stream partly leans against the stone, shrouded in clouds and mist."]
4. 掩,闭。宋蔡伸《醜奴兒慢》:“花籠淡月,重門深亞。”
- Cover; close. [From Song poet Cai Shen: "The flower basket and the pale moon, the heavy door is closed."]
5. 少。《增韻•禡韻》:“亞,少也。”
- Few. [From Zeng Yun: "亚 means few."]
6. 丑,难看。《説文•亞部》:“亞,醜也。象人局背之形。”
- Ugly. [From Xuewen: "亚 means ugly; it resembles the shape of a hunchback."]
7. 姐妹丈夫的互称。后作“婭”。《詩•小雅•節南山》:“瑣瑣姻亞。”
- Mutual reference of sisters’ husbands. [From the Book of Songs: "A casual reference."]
8. 俯;低垂。也作“壓”。唐杜甫《上巳日徐司録林園宴集》:“鬢毛垂領白,花蕊亞枝紅。”
- Hang down. [From Du Fu: "Hair hanging down like a white tassel, flower buds red like branches."]
9. 亚洲的简称。如:欧亚大陆。
- Abbreviation for Asia. [For example: Eurasian continent.]
10. 姓。《姓觿•禡韻》:“亞,《路史》云,成周支庶之後。”
- A surname. [From The History of the Routes: "亚, according to Luo Shi, descended from the Zhou dynasty."]
1. 枝丫;分枝。也作“丫”、“椏”。
- Branch; fork. Also written as "丫", "椏".
2. 象声词。
- Onomatopoeic word.
名词 物体的分歧部分。明.张自烈《正字通.二部》:「亚,赵古则曰:『物之岐者曰亚。』俗作丫、桠。」
- Noun referring to a bifurcation part of an object. [From Zhang Zilie: "亚, as Zhao Gu said, refers to the branching part of a thing. Commonly written as '丫' or '桠'."]
1. 同“恶”。
- Same as "evil".
2. 同“堊”。
- Same as "clay".
- An alternative pronunciation of the above [first].