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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "涯", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "涯", and master the standard way of writing the character "涯".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "涯" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
涯 [yá]
1. 水边,泛指边际。
- Waterside, generally refers to the edge.
2. 范围,限度。
- Range, limit.
1. 水边,泛指边际:例如:~~。~际。~岸。~垠。“生也有~,而知也无~。”
- Waterside, generally refers to the edge: e.g., at the waterside; the edge; on the bank; at the cliff. “Life has a limit, but knowledge has none.”
2. 范围,限度:生~;~分(fèn)(限度,本分)。
- Range, limit: Life has limits; one's proper place (limits, proper conduct).
1. 同本义 ([En.] waterside; foreshore)
2. 岸,靠近大水体的陆地; 特指靠近滨海的陆地 ([En.] shore)
3. 边际; 极限 ([En.] limit; bound)
4. 限量; 穷尽 ([En.] limit).
- 限制,约束 ([En.] constraint)
- 引:1《说文新附》:涯,水边也。
- "Erasure of the Dictionary: 'Yá' means waterside."
- 引:2《古诗十九首》:各在天一涯。
- "Each is at opposite ends of the sky."
- 引:3孟郊《病客吟》:大海亦有洼,高山亦有岑。
- "The sea has depressions, and the mountains also have their peaks."
- 又如:涯欸(水边; 岸);涯灌(岸边丛木);涯邻(崖畔)。
- For example: waterside; bushes on the bank; cliffside.
- 宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:横无际涯。
- "Endless horizons."
- 清·袁枚《祭妹文》:无涯之憾。
- "Limitless regrets."
- 翻译:涯限(边际; 限度);涯垠(涯泄、涯津、涯畔)。
- Limit; boundary; edge.
- 相关词:涯艺(限度,止境);涯检(限制,管束);涯量(限度; 限量);涯分(限度; 本分)。
- Related words: limit; restrict; limit; proper behavior.
- 引:1沈约《答沈麟士书》:约少不自涯,早爱虫鸟,逐食推迁,未谐夙愿。
- "We limit ourselves too soon, loving insects and birds early, pushing for survival, not achieving our long-held wishes."