亹 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 亹
Stroke Order Diagrams for 亹
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 亹
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 亹
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "亹" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "亹" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 亹
wěi、 mén
resolute / mountain pass / defile (archaic)
亹 (wěi)
1. **勤勉不倦貌** - Diligent and tireless manner.
- 例: 亹亹文王,令闻不已。(Poetry, Book of Songs, Major Odes, King Wen; "Diligent King Wen, his fame is ceaseless.")
2. **行进貌** - Manner of progression.
- 例: 亹亹(行进貌) - Diligently moving.
3. **委婉动听** - Subtle and melodious.
- 例: 词彩葱蒨,音韻鏗鏘,使人味之,亹亹不倦。(Southern Dynasties, Liang Zhong Rong, Poetry Critique; "Colorful words, resonant sounds, make people savor it without fatigue.")
4. **微微** - Slightly.
- 例: 亹亹,猶微微也。(Jade Chapters; "亹亹 means slightly.")
亹 (wěi)
动 - Verb
1. **进入** - Enter.
- 例: 亹亹 (進) - Moving forward.
2. **修养** - Self-cultivation.
- 引: 清· 魏源《默觚上》:夫是以内亹其性情而外纲其皇极。
3. **另见** - See also: mén.
亹 (mén)
名 - Noun
1. **水流夹山处** - A place where water flows between mountains (gate).
- 引: 《晋书·音义上》:亹者,水流夹山,岸若门。
2. **另见** - See also: wěi.
亹 (mén)
形 - Adjective
1. **勤勉不倦** - Diligent and tireless.
- 引: 《尔雅·释诂》:亹亹,勉也。
2. **美** - Beautiful.
- 引: 《易·系辞上》:成天下之亹亹者。
3. **例** - Example: 亹斐 (Diligent); 亹亹穆穆 (Diligent and solemn).
亹 (mén)
名 - Noun
1. **水流夹山处** - A place where water flows between mountains (gate).
- 引: 《后汉书·马援传》:拒浩亹隘。
2. **另见** - See also: wěi.
亹 (mén)
形 - Adjective
1. **勤勉不倦** - Diligent and tireless.
- 引: 《汉书·张敞传》:亹亹不舍昼夜。
2. **美** - Beautiful.
- 例: 亹焕 (radiantly beautiful); 亹亹 (wonderful; beautiful).