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傒 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 傒

傒 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 傒

傒 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 傒

Pinyin xī、 xì
12 strokes
傒 (xī) 1. Anciently the same as “徯,” meaning to wait. - 等候 (To wait). 2. Name of an ancient ethnic group in China. - 中国古代少数民族名 (Name of an ancient ethnic group in China). 3. Surname. - 姓氏 (Surname). --- 傒 (xī) Verb 1. To wait. Same as “徯” ([En.] wait). - 等待 (To wait). 2. Extended meaning as to hope. - 引申为盼望 (Extended meaning as to hope). 3. See “傒落.” - 见“傒落” (See “傒落”). Example: 傒望 (hope; expectation). - 如:傒望(希望;期待) (如:傒望 (hope; expectation)). --- 傒 (xī) Noun 1. Path. Same as “蹊” ([En.] path). - 小径 (Path). 2. Ancient term for people from Jiangxi (present-day Jiangxi Province). - 古代对江右(今江西省)人的称谓 (Ancient term for Jiangxi people). Example: 傒音 (the language of Jiangxi people); 傒狗 (an insulting term for people from Jiujiang, Jiangxi). - 如:傒音(傒语。江西九江、豫章一带人的语言);傒狗(南北朝时期,对九江豫章一带人的辱骂词) (如:傒音 (the language of Jiangxi people); 傒狗 (an insulting term for people from Jiujiang, Jiangxi)). 3. Servant. - 奴仆 (Servant). Example: 傒奴 (servant). - 如:傒奴(奴仆) (如:傒奴 (servant)). --- 傒 (xī) 1. Anciently the same as “繋,” meaning to bind. - 古通“繋”,拘繋 (Anciently the same as “繋,” meaning to bind). Verb: To imprison, to detain. Same as “系.” - 动词 囚禁、拘捕 (Verb: To imprison, to detain). Example: 淮南子.本经: "Driving away someone's cattle and horses, detaining someone's children." - 《淮南子.本经》:「驱人之牛马,傒人之子女。」 (《淮南子.本经》:“Driving away someone's cattle and horses, detaining someone's children.”).
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