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唻 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 唻

唻 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 唻

唻 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 唻

Pinyin lài
11 strokes
唻 (lài) 1. 呼声。 (Call or sound.) 唻 (lài) (Verb) 1. 慰劳 (Appreciate someone's services and present gifts.) 引用: 1. 《孟子·滕文公上》:劳之来之,匡之直之,辅之翼之。 2. 《诗·魏风·硕鼠》:莫我肯勑。 3. 《韩非子·主道》:贤者勑其材。 2. 另见 lái (See also lái.) 唻 (lài) (Particle) 1. [Dialect] 2. 相当于“呢” (Equivalent to "what.") 示例: 如:你们敲锣打鼓的干什么徕?又相当于“来着”。如:娘是怎么嘱咐你徕,怎么都忘了? 3. 相当于“啦” (Equivalent to "really.") 示例: 如:解放前放牛娃可苦唻。 (又读loi3) 歌词中的衬音用字。 (Also pronounced loi3. A phonetic character used in lyrics.) (又读loi3) 《廣韻》賴諧切,平皆來。又來改切。 歌词中的衬音用字。《玉篇·口部》睞,歌声也。明赵南星《芳茹园乐府·山坡羊》:但捱的一好到底,那怕他终朝打骂。我捱的结果收圆,嚦,唻嚛,姐妹行中不把俺笑话。 (Also pronounced loi3. In "Guangyun," it is a homophone for "lái." It is also used as a substitution in lyrics and represents sounds in songs.)
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