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嗛 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 嗛

嗛 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 嗛

嗛 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 嗛

Pinyin xián、 qiàn、 qiè
13 strokes
嗛 [qiān] 定义: 1. 古同“衔”,用嘴含。 (Ancient term meaning "to hold in the mouth.") 2. 怀恨:“太后由此~嫣。” (To nurse hatred; "The Empress Dowager resented this.") 动词: 1. 嘴里叼着东西。《说文解字.口部》:「嗛,口有所衔也。」 (To hold something in the mouth. "Xuan Wen Jie Zi: 'Huan, to hold something in the mouth.'") 2. 怀恨。《史记.卷四九.外戚世家》:「景帝恚,心嗛之而未发也。」 (To bear a grudge. "Records of the Grand Historian: 'Emperor Jing harbored resentment and had not expressed it yet.'") 形容词: 1. 不足。 (Insufficient.) 2. 歉收。 (Bad harvest.) 形容词: 稻谷收成不好。通“歉”。 (The harvest of rice is not good; synonymous with "qiān.") 例子: 《谷梁传.襄公二十四年》:「一谷不升谓之嗛。」 (Example: In the "Gu Liang Zhuan" it states: "If rice does not rise, it is called 'huan.'") 总结: - 含义包括嘴里持物、怀恨、不足、歉收等。 (Huan includes meanings such as holding in the mouth, bearing a grudge, insufficiency, and bad harvest.) 详细说明: 颊囊,猴子等嘴里两腮上暂时贮存食物的地方。又同“谦”、“歉”。 (Cheek pouch, a place for monkeys and similar creatures to temporarily store food in their mouths. Also synonymous with "qiān" and "qiàn.") 另见: 名词 猴类颊里贮放食物的地方。《广韵.上声.忝韵》:「嗛,猿藏食处。」唐.柳宗元《赠王孙文》:“窃取人食,皆知自实其嗛。” (See also: It refers to the cheek pouch of monkeys used to store food. "In 'Guang Yun,' it states: 'Huan, a place for monkeys to store food.'")
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