嘐 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 嘐
Stroke Order Diagrams for 嘐
Information of 嘐
嘐 [xiāo]
1. Arrogant; conceited.
2. Same as "哮" (to breathe heavily and with difficulty).
嘐 [xiāo]
1. Self-pleased.
引: "孟子": "其志嘐嘐然。"
2. Same as "哮" (to roar).
引: "元·戴侗《六书故•人四》": "古之人,古之人今人以喘为嘐,盖以其声嘐嘐然,与哮通。"
嘐 [xiāo]
1. An onomatopoeic word representing a sound.
嘐 [jiāo]
1. An onomatopoeic word, often referring to animal calls.
引: "唐·柳宗元《游朝阳岩遂登西亭二十韵》": "晨鸡不余欺,风雨闻嘐嘐。"