嫯 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 嫯
Stroke Order Diagrams for 嫯
Information of 嫯
嫯 (āo)
1. Arrogance; later written as "傲".
- 傲慢. 后作“傲”.
- Arrogance; it is later written as "傲".
- 《説文•女部》: "嫯, 侮易〔㑥〕也." (In the "Shuowen Jiezi: Women's Section": "嫯 means to be scornful and easy to insult.")
- 段玉裁注: "字與傲别. 今則傲行而嫯廢矣." (Duan Yucai's note: "This character is different from 傲. Nowadays, 傲 is used while 嫯 has fallen out of use.")
- 《玉篇•女部》: "嫯, 侮慢也." (In the "Yupian: Women's Section": "嫯 means scornful and haughty.")
- 《集韻•号韻》: "嫯, 或書作㜜(傲)." (In the "Jiyun: Hào rhyme": "嫯 may also be written as 㜜 (傲).")