pinyin: [zhì]
1. Same as "置" (to place).
2. (verb) Arrange; place (English: place).
1. "说文新附": 寘,置也。 (Shuowen Xinfu: 寘 means “to place.”)
2. "易·坎卦": 寘于丛棘。 (Yijing, Kan hexagram: Placed among the thorns.)
3. "诗·魏风·伐檀": 坎坎伐檀兮,寘之河之干兮。 (Shijing, Wei Feng “Fadan”: Chop chop the sandalwood, place it on the bank of the river.)
4. "左传·隐公元年": 遂寘姜氏于城颍。 (Zuozhuan, Year of Duke Yin: Thus, he placed the Jiang clan in Chengying.)
5. "诗·周南·卷耳": 寘彼周行。 (Shijing, Zhou Nan “Juaner”: Place it in a roundabout path.)
6. "周礼·秋官·大司寇": 凡害人者,寘之圜土。 (Zhouli, Autumn Official, Grand Minister of Justice: Anyone who harms others shall be placed in a round earth.)
Examples include: 寘怀 (to keep in mind); 寘身 (to settle down; to reside).