恟 [xiōng]
1. 〔~~〕A state of chaos and disturbance, as in "The world is in disorder, with heroes roaring."
2. Frightened or fearful: "The dream still leaves me trembling with fear."
形 (adjective)
1. Frightened; terrified ([En.] frightened)
2. Noisy ([En.] noisy)
引 (quotation): 柳宗元《佩韦赋》: "Those who are executed for their wrongdoings cause fear in those who hear."
例 (example):
- 恟惧 (frightened; terrified)
- 恟骇 (to be terrified)
1. Noisy ([En.] noisy)
例 (example):
- 恟恟 (a state of being noisy)