悁 [juàn]
1. Anger; irritability.
- Example: “肠愤悁而含怒兮。” (Frustrated and filled with anger.)
2. Worry; melancholy.
- Example: “聊为山水游,以写我心悁。” (I take a trip to the mountains and rivers to express my troubled heart.)
3. Fatigue.
- Example: “顾望脰未悁,汀曲舟已隐。” (Looking back, I am still fatigued, while the curve of the shore has disappeared from sight.)
4. Impetuousness.
- Example: “吏民颇畏其悁急。” (The officials and the people are quite fearful of his impetuousness.)
形容词 忿怒、愤恨。 [Adjective: Angry, resentful.]
- 例子: 《楚辞.刘向.九叹.逢纷》:「肠愤悁而含怒兮。」 (Example from "Chuci": "Inner feelings filled with anger and holding ire.")
- 例子: 《后汉书.卷五八.臧洪传》:「忿悁之师,兵家所忌。」 (Example from "Book of the Later Han": "The army of anger is what military strategists fear.")
形容词 忧思、忧郁。 [Adjective: Worrying, melancholic.]
- 例子: 唐.李华〈吊古战场文〉:「悁悁心目,寤寐见之。」 (Example from Li Hua's elegy: "A troubled heart and mind, with it appearing in dreams and waking life.")