Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "抠", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "抠", and master the standard way of writing the character "抠".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 抠
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "抠" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
抠 (kōu)
1. 用手指或细小的东西挖。
[En.] To dig using a finger or a small object.
2. 向狭窄的方面探求、探究。
[En.] To inquire or explore in a narrow sense: "to nitpick"; "to search thoroughly in a book."
3. 雕刻(花纹)。
[En.] To carve (patterns).
4. 吝啬。
[En.] Stingy.
5. 向狭窄的方面探求、探究:~字眼儿。死~书本。
[En.] To inquire or inspect in detail: "to nitpick"; "to search thoroughly in books."
6. 雕刻(花纹):~镜框的花边。
[En.] To carve (patterns): "to engrave the edge of a picture frame."
7. 吝啬:~门儿。
[En.] Stingy: "to be miserly."
8. 抓,提。
[En.] To lift up.
9. 挖。
[En.] To dig or excavate using a finger or pointed object; to scratch or pick.
10. 抓牢。
[En.] To seize or grip tightly.
11. 吝啬。
[En.] Stingy (dialect).
12. 通“眍”。眼睛凹陷。
[En.] Sunken eyes. Example: "His eyes are deeply set in their sockets."
13. 例:又如:抠衣(提起衣服前襟。表示对人恭敬);
[En.] For example: "to tug at one's clothes (a gesture of respect)."
14. 抠心挖肚(抠心挖血。挖空心思,绞尽脑汁)。
[En.] To dig deep into one's heart and mind (to exhaust all thoughts).
15. 吕布便入,揪倒伍孚。
[En.] A reference illustrating the act of seizing something firmly.
16. 如:这人真抠;抠索(吝啬,寒酸)。
[En.] For example: "This person is really stingy."
17. 眼珠子深陷在眼眶里。
[En.] The eyeballs are deeply sunken in the eye sockets.