撚 [niǎn]
1. 执,持取。 (To hold, to grasp.)
2. 揉搓;搓捻。 (To twist; to rub and roll.)
3. 弹琵琶的一种指法。 (A finger technique used in playing the pipa.)
4. 接续;系。 (To connect; to tie.)
5. 蹂,践踏。 (To trample; to press down.)
6. 撵,驱逐。 (To chase away; to expel.)
7. 紧。 (Tight.)
撚 [niǎn] (verb)
1. 执,持取 ([En.] hold)
2. 揉搓;搓捻 ([En.] twist)
3. 蹂,践踏 ([En.] trample)
4. 按 ([En.] press)
撚 [niǎn] (noun)
揉搓而成的卷儿 ([En.] things twisted into a long, slender form.)
Example Uses:
- 撚须 (to stroke the mustache)
- 撚眉 (to twist the eyebrows)
- 撚梢子 (to shake a small drum)
- 撚钱 (a game where coins are twisted with fingers)
- 撚弄 (to play with)
Verb: 捏,用拇指与其余手指夹住。 (To pinch, to squeeze with the thumb and remaining fingers.)
- 唐.裴说〈闻砧〉诗:「愁捻银针信手缝,惆怅无人试宽窄。」 (From the Tang Dynasty, Pei Shuo's poem: "Worried, I pinch a silver needle to stitch; sadly, no one tries the width and narrowness.")
- 《红楼梦.第六回》:「宝玉红涨了脸,把他的手一捻。」 (From "Dream of the Red Chamber," Chapter 6: "Baoyu's face turned red as he pinched his hand.")