1. 次序;次第。
Order; sequence.
2. 排列次序;按照次序。
Arrangement of order; according to sequence.
3. 古代指按規定的等級次第授官職,按功勳大小給予獎勵。
In ancient times, refers to granting official positions according to defined ranks and rewarding based on merits.
4. 頭緒;條理。
Clarity; organization.
5. 陳述;記述。
Statement; narration.
6. 序言。
7. 姓。
A surname.
1. 次序;次第。《説文•攴部》:“敍,次弟也。”
Order; sequence. (From "Shuowen Jiezi", section on the hand: "敍 is the order of subordination.")
2. 排列次序;按照次序。《周禮•天官•司書》:“以周知入出百物,以敍其財,受其幣,使入于職幣。”
Arrangement of order; according to sequence. (From "Zhou Li", section on the Ministry of Heaven: "To let all know the entry and exit of goods, to organize their wealth, and to receive their contributions, ensuring they are accounted in their official entitlements.")
3. 古代指按規定的等級次第授官職,按功勳大小給予獎勵。《周禮•天官•宫伯》:“行其秩敍。”
Refers to granting official positions according to defined ranks and rewarding based on merits in ancient times. (From "Zhou Li", section on the Ministry of Heaven: "To carry out their rank and order of promotion.")
4. 頭緒;條理。《爾雅•釋詁上》:“敍,緒也。”
Clarity; organization. (From "Erya", section on explanation: "敍 is the thread.")
5. 陳述;記述。《國語•晋語三》:“紀言以敍之,述意以導之。”
Statement; narration. (From "Guoyu", Jin section three: "To document the words and present them, to express intentions and guide.")
6. 序言。如:《漢書•敍傳》。漢許慎《説文解字》:“敍曰:此十四篇,五百四十部,九千三百五十三文,重一千一百六十三,解説凡十三萬三千四百四十一字。”
Preface. For example, in "Han Shu", the section on prefaces. Han Xu Shen in "Shuowen Jiezi" states: "敍 means: There are fourteen chapters, five hundred forty parts, nine thousand three hundred fifty-three writings, a weight of one thousand one hundred sixty-three, explaining a total of one hundred thirty-three thousand four hundred forty-one characters."
7. 姓。《廣韻•語韻》:“敍,姓。”
A surname. (From "Guangyun", phonetics section: "敍 is a surname.")