Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "叙", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "叙", and master the standard way of writing the character "叙".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 叙
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "叙" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
叙 (xù)
1. To narrate or tell.
Example: 叙说 (narrate); 叙事 (narrate a story); 叙话 (tell a story); 叙亲 (narrate relations); 叙旧 (recount old times).
2. To evaluate with respect to hierarchy or rank.
Example: 叙功 (assess achievements); 叙奖 (evaluate awards); 叙用 (promote by rank); 叙擢 (promote and assign suitable positions).
3. In classical Chinese, synonymous with “序” (preface).
【本义】: 秩序,次序 (Fundamental meaning: order, sequence)
【造字法】: 形声。从攴 (pū),余声 (Character formation: phono-semantic, from the action radical 'pū' and additional sound).
1. Same as the fundamental meaning, emphasizing a sequence or series (order).
2. Same as "序." The preface of a book (originally written as 叙, now often written as 序).
Usage examples:
- 在《说文》中提到:叙,次弟也。经传亦以序为之。
- 在《虞书》中:百揆时敘。
- 在《周礼·宫伯》中:行其秩敘。
- 在《周礼·天官》中:以官府之六叙正群吏。
- 在《淮南子·本经训》中:四时不失其叙。
Examples of usage:
叙齿 (order of teeth); 叙齿而坐 (sit according to age).
Meaning (as a verb):
1. To arrange in order.
- 《书·皋陶谟》:惇叙九族。
- 《周礼·司书》:以敘其财。
2. To narrate or tell.
- 《国语·晋语》:纪言以叙之。
- 《琵琶行(并序)》:自叙少小时欢乐事。
- 《世说新语·尤悔》:王乃具叙宣王创业之始。
- 《兰亭集序》:畅叙幽情。
3. To hold a conversation.
- 《红楼梦》:大家散了,王夫人姊妹不免又叙了半夜的话儿。
4. To record or write about.
- 《旧唐书·柳宗元传》:写情叙事。
- 《柳毅传》:幸君子书叙之外。
5. To assess or evaluate ranks and promotions based on performance.
- 《儒林外史》:阎王叙功,从地狱里把你提上第十七层来۔
- Example of usage: 叙用 (assign official roles by rank).