Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "胥", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "胥", and master the standard way of writing the character "胥".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 胥
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "胥" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
胥 [xū]
1. 古代的小官: petty official, specifically referring to a minor official in charge of apprehending thieves.
- 例: 里胥猾黠 (The local petty official is crafty.)
- 引: 《聊斋志异·促织》: 里胥猾黠。
2. 有才智的人: man of mind.
- 引: 《周礼》: 胥,十有二人; 徒,百有二十人。
3. 古代乐官: musical officer.
- 引: 《礼记·王制》: 小胥大胥。 注:“皆乐官属也。”
4. 姓: a surname.
1. 相互: each other.
- 引: 《周礼·士师》: 以比追胥之事。
2. 都;皆: all; whole.
- 引: 《诗·小雅·角弓》:尔之教矣,民胥效矣。
1. 通“须”。等待: await.
- 引: 《史记·扁仓传》: 胥与公往见之。
2. 看,观察: see; observe.
- 引: 《诗·大雅·公刘》: 于胥斯原,既庶既繁。
- 片刻,一会儿: moment.
- 引: 《庄子》:胡蝶胥也化而为虫。
- 蟹酱: crab paste.
- 引: 《说文》:胥,蟹醢也。
Note: Each meaning is formatted to provide a clear understanding of the character 胥 and its usages in various contexts.