斁 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 斁
Stroke Order Diagrams for 斁
Information of 斁
斁 [dù]
1. 解除.
To remove.
2. 厌倦;懈怠;厌弃.
To be tired of; neglect; abandon.
3. 盛大的样子.
A grand appearance.
4. 终止.
To terminate.
5. 败坏.
To ruin.
6. 动词 厌倦、讨厌.
Verb: To be tired of; to detest.
Example: 《诗经.鲁颂.泮水》:「戎车孔博,徒御无斁。」
Translation: "The military vehicles are broad, and the drivers show no fatigue."
Example: 晋.傅玄〈桑椹赋〉:「嘉味殊滋,食之无斁。」
Translation: "The delicious flavors are abundant, and there's no weariness in eating them."
Example: 明· 刘基《卖柑者言》:法斁而不知理。
Translation: "The law has decayed without understanding its principle."
Again: 斁遗(厌弃).
Translation: To abandon.
另见: yì / dù (see also: yì / dù).