Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "旅", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "旅", and master the standard way of writing the character "旅".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 旅
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "旅" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
旅 [lǚ]
名词 (Noun)
1. 出行的,在外作客的。
- Traveling; being a guest outside.
(e.g., 旅行 [lǚxíng] - to travel; 旅馆 [lǚguǎn] - hotel; 旅次 [lǚcì] - travel venue; 旅居 [lǚjū] - to stay as a guest; 旅客 [lǚkè] - traveler; 旅伴 [lǚbàn] - travel companion; 商旅 [shānglǚ] - business traveler; 差旅 [chāilǚ] - business trip; 旅社 [lǚshè] - inn.)
2. 军队的编制单位,在师与团之间。
- A military unit, generally between a division and a regiment.
3. 泛指军队。
- A general term referring to the army.
(e.g., 军旅 [jūnlǚ] - troops; 强兵劲旅 [qiángbīng jìnglǚ] - strong army.)
4. 共同。
- Together; in unison.
(e.g., 旅进旅退 [lǚjìn lǚtuì] - move forward together, retreat together.)
5. 同“稆”。
- Same as "稆".
6. 同“膂”,脊梁骨。
- Same as "膂", referring to the backbone.
7. 次序。
- Order.
(e.g., 宾以旅酬于西阶上 - guests give gifts in order on the west steps.)
8. 通“膂”。脊骨。
- A homophone for "膂", meaning backbone.
(e.g., 旅力 [lǚlì] refers to physical strength.)
9. 姓。
- A surname.
动词 (Verb)
1. 寄居外地,旅居。
- To stay away from home, to travel.
(e.g., 旅骨 [lǚgǔ] - remains of a traveler; 旅冢 [lǚzhǒng] - grave of a traveler; 旅寄 [lǚjì] - residing away from homeland; 旅葬 [lǚzàng] - burial of a traveler in a foreign land; 旅魂 [lǚhún] - spirit of a traveler.)
2. 旅行。
- To travel; journey.
副词 (Adverb)
- Together; completely.
(e.g., 旅升 [lǚshēng] - rise together; 旅占 [lǚzhàn] - present together.)
形容词 (Adjective)
- Wild; growing without cultivation.
(e.g., 旅生 [lǚshēng] - wild growth; 旅葵 [lǚkuí] - wild amaranth; 旅谷 [lǚgǔ] - wild grains.)