旻 [mín]
1. 天,天空;又特指秋季的天。
- Sky, especially referring to the autumn sky.
- Examples: 旻天 (autumn sky), 苍旻 (vast sky).
2. 同本义 ([En.] autumn)
- Same original meaning, which is autumn.
- Reference: 《说文》:旻,秋天也。
- Examples: 旻宇 (autumn), 旻序 (referring to autumn as "旻天"), 旻云 (clouds in autumn).
3. 天空 ([En.] sky)
- Referring to the sky.
- Reference: 陶渊明《自祭文》:茫茫大块,悠悠高旻。
- Examples: 天旻, 旻天 (generally refers to the sky), 旻穹 (heavens), 旻苍 (heavens, upper sky).
4. 通“閔”。忧患 ([En.] hardship; misery)
- Related to the word "閔", meaning hardship or misery.
- Reference: 汉·《平与令薛君碑》:化未期月,遘此竺旻。