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民 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 民

民 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 民

民 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 民

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 民

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 民

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "民" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 民 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "民" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 民 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 民

Pinyin mín
5 strokes
the people / nationality / citizen
rén mín tuán tǐ
people's organization (e.g. labor unions, peasant associations, scholarly associations etc) / mass organization
guó mín jīng jì
national economy
guó mín
nationals / citizens / people of a nation
píng mín bǎi xìng
civilian / plain folk / plain citizen
lí mín bǎi xìng
Li people
jū mín
resident / inhabitant
Zhōng huá Mín guó
Republic of China
mín zhái
house / people's homes
shǎo shù mín zú
national minority / ethnic group
shù mín
the multitude of common people (in highbrow literature) / plebeian
rén mín bì
Renminbi (RMB) / Chinese Yuan (CNY)
shì mín
city resident
píng mín
ordinary people / commoner / civilian
mín bàn
run by the local people / privately operated
mín bàn jiào shī
teacher paid by the local people
láo dòng rén mín wén huà gōng
Working People's Cultural Palace
yōu guó yōu mín
be concerned about one's country and one's people / care for the fate of his nation
yú mín
ignorant masses / to keep the people in ignorance
yú mín zhèng cè
obscurantism / policy of keeping the people in ignorance / obscurantist policy
mín fèn
popular indignation / the people's wrath
rǎo mín
disturb residents
yōng zhèng ài mín
support the government and cherish the people
lǎo wō rén mín mín zhǔ gòng hé guó
Lao People's Democratic Republic
mín zú
nationality / ethnic group / CL:個|个[ge4]
jūn mín
army-civilian / military-masses / military-civilian
nóng mín
peasant / farmer / CL:個|个[ge4]
mín shēng diāo bì
the people's livelihood is reduced to destitution (idiom); a time of famine and impoverishment
mín zhǔ dǎng pài
Democratic Party / democratic parties
quán mín
entire population (of a country)
gōng mín
Input Method for 民
Pinyin min2
Four Corner
Same Radical Characters