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柷 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 柷

柷 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 柷

柷 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 柷

Pinyin zhù
9 strokes
柷 1. An ancient percussion instrument, resembling a square box, made of wood, struck at the beginning of music. 古代打击乐器,像方匣子,用木头做成,奏乐开始时敲打。 2. A type of tree mentioned in ancient texts. 古书上说的一种树。 3. Another pronunciation for the first meaning. 上述[一]的另一种读音。 4. Another pronunciation for the first meaning. 上述[一]的另一种读音。 5. Used in personal names. Li Zhi, the last emperor of the Tang dynasty. 用于人名。李柷,唐代哀帝。 6. Noun. The name of a musical instrument. A wooden percussion instrument that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. When played, it is struck on the inner wall with a mallet to indicate the start of music. 名词 乐器名。一种木制的打击乐器,上宽下窄。演奏时,以椎敲击内壁,表示音乐开始。 《尔雅.释乐》:「所以鼓柷谓之止。」晋.郭璞.注:「柷如漆桶,方二尺四寸,深一尺八寸,中有椎柄,连底挏之,令左右击。止者,其椎名。」 7. Noun. The name of a musical instrument. A wooden percussion instrument that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. When played, it is struck on the inner wall with a mallet to indicate the start of music. 名词 乐器名。一种木制的打击乐器,上宽下窄。演奏时,以椎敲击内壁,表示音乐开始。 《尔雅.释乐》:「所以鼓柷谓之止。」晋.郭璞.注:「柷如漆桶,方二尺四寸,深一尺八寸,中有椎柄,连底挏之,令左右击。止者,其椎名。」
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