Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "梃", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "梃", and master the standard way of writing the character "梃".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 梃
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "梃" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
梃 [tǐng]
1. 棍棒 (English: wooden stick)
2. 指门框、窗框或门扇、窗扇两侧直立的边框 (English: frame)
如:门梃; 窗梃 (Examples: door frame; window frame)
1. 竿状物的计量单位,相当于“杆”、“支” (English: pole)
2. 另见 tìng
1. 《广雅·释器》:梃,杖也。 朱骏声曰:“竹曰竿,草曰莛,木曰梃。”
2. 《孟子·梁惠王上》:杀人以梃与刃,有以异乎?
又如:梃刃 (棍棒与刀; wooden stick and knife); 梃棒 (棍棒; wooden stick); 梃击 (用棍棒殴击; beat with a stick)
梃 [tìng]
屠宰猪后,为了除毛,在猪的腿上割一个口子,用铁棍贴着腿皮往里捅,再往里吹气,使猪皮绷紧 (English: poke a hole on the slain pig)
1. 往猪皮内捅的铁棍 (English: iron stick)
2. 另见 tǐng
梃 [tǐng]
1. 杀猪后,在猪腿上划一个口子,用铁棍贴着腿皮往里捅,然后往里吹气,使猪皮绷紧,以便去毛 (English: After killing the pig, make a cut on the pig's leg, poke it with an iron stick to tighten the skin for hair removal)
2. 梃猪时用的铁棍 (English: iron stick used when processing pig)