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筳 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 筳

筳 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 筳

筳 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 筳

Pinyin tíng
12 strokes
筳 [tíng] 1. 络丝、纺纱或卷棉条的用具。 Utensil for winding silk yarn, typically made from a small bamboo tube or corn stalk. 2. 小竹片,亦指小竹枝或小木枝。 Small bamboo strips, also refers to small bamboo or wood twigs. 3. 小簪。 Small hairpin. 4. 笼。 Cage or enclosure. 5. 竞。 Competition or contest. 6. 古同“莛”,草茎。 An ancient term same as "莛," referring to a grass stem: "to strike a bell with it, how could it make a sound?" 引: 1. 朱骏声《说文通训定声》:筳,所以络丝者,苏俗谓之籰头。筳即其四周挺如栅者。 From Zhu Junsheng's "Shuowen Tongxun": 筳 is used for winding silk, commonly referred to in the vernacular as "籰头." The筳 is one that is upright on all sides like a fence.
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