Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "檻", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "檻", and master the standard way of writing the character "檻".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 檻
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "檻" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
檻 (jiàn)
1. A fence for livestock and wild animals.
2. A cart used for imprisonment or transport of prisoners.
3. Tools for capturing wild animals.
4. Confinement; imprisonment.
5. Railing; board between levels.
6. A boat with boards added on all sides.
7. Same as “㯺”, meaning a cabinet.
8. Same as “濫”. Referring to a spring that gushes forth.
通“ 濫 ”。檻泉,噴涌之泉。
Additional Details:
1. A cart with a cage for prisoners.
檻車;囚車 ([En.] cart with a cage for prisoners)
引: 《說文•木部》:“檻,木櫳也。一曰圈。”《廣雅•釋宫》:“檻,牢也。”
2. A wooden cage; a pen for animals.
關牲畜野獸的柵欄 ([En.] wooden cage; pen for animals)
引: 《說文》:“一曰圈也。”
3. A baluster; the vertical wood of a railing.
欄杆的縱木 ([En.] baluster)
引: 《漢書・朱雲傳》:雲攀殿檻。
4. The horizontal wood in a railing.
欄杆的橫木 ([En.] rail)
引: 《楚辭•招魂》:坐堂伏檻,臨曲池些。
5. A general term for railings.
泛指欄杆 ([En.] balustrade)
引: 王勃《滕王閣序》:閣中帝子今何在?檻外長江空自流。
6. A trap for capturing wild animals.
捕捉野獸的機具 ([En.] trap)
引: 《後漢書・法雄傳》:毀壞檻宑。
7. A boat with all sides boarded up.
四方加板的船 ([En.] boat with boards on all sides)
8. A bathtub (related to the concept of restricting water flow).
通「濫」。浴盆 ([En.] bathtub)
引: 《莊子•則陽》:同檻而浴。
1. A threshold or door limit.
2. A threshold; door limit.
門檻;門限。引: 《明史•太祖紀一》:“拔潼關而守之,扼其户檻。”
檻 (kǎn) refers to a cage, a cell, or imprisonment.
Also referred to as a threshold in specific contexts.
Another form of the character is primarily recognized as 'jiàn.'