Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "槛", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "槛", and master the standard way of writing the character "槛".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 槛
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "槛" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
槛 (jiàn)
1. 栏杆。
[En.] railing.
2. 圈(juàn)兽类的栅栏。
[En.] a fence (juàn) for animals.
3. 槛车;囚车
[En.] cart with a cage for prisoners.
4. 关牲畜野兽的栅栏。
[En.] wooden cage; pen for animals.
5. 栏杆的纵木。
[En.] baluster; banister.
6. 栏杆的横木。
[En.] rail.
7. 泛指栏杆。
[En.] balustrade.
8. 捕捉野兽的机具。
[En.] trap.
9. 四方加板的船。
[En.] boat with a board on all sides.
10. 通「滥」。浴盆。
[En.] bathtub.
11. 以槛车关、载。
[En.] escort in prisoner's van.
12. 禁闭;拘囚。
[En.] imprison.
13. 另见 kǎn。
[En.] see also kǎn.
14. 门下的横木。亦作“门坎”;亦称“门限”。
[En.] horizontal wood under the door; also referred to as "door threshold."
槛 (kǎn)
1. 兽笼,囚笼。也指禁闭、拘囚。
[En.] animal cage; prison cage. Also refers to confinement or imprisonment.
2. 另见 jiàn。
[En.] see also jiàn.