櫳 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 櫳
Stroke Order Diagrams for 櫳
Information of 櫳
1. 围养禽兽的栅栏。
[En.] A cage for raising birds and beasts.
2. 窗上格木;窗户。
[En.] The wooden frame on a window; window lattice.
3. 用同“ 攏 ”。梳理。
[En.] To comb or arrange, similar to the word “攏”.
4. 【本义】:養禽獸的籠檻
[En.] Original meaning: a cage for raising birds and beasts.
5. 【造字法】:形聲。从木,龍聲,與下形上聲的龒別。
[En.] Character formation: phono-semantic compound; composed of the component for “wood” and the sound element “long.”
6. 【引】
1. 《說文》:櫳,檻也。
[En.] "Shuo Wen": A cage is a 'lóng'.
2. 《三蒼》:櫳所以盛禽獸欄檻也。今囚櫳字當作此。
[En.] "San Cang": A lóng is used to hold birds and beasts; this character should be interpreted accordingly.
3. 禰衡《鸚鵡賦》:順櫳檻以俯抑。
[En.] Ni Heng in "Ode to the Parrot": descend along the cage bars.
7. 【例】
[En.] For example: window lattice.