Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "汆", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "汆", and master the standard way of writing the character "汆".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 汆
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "汆" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
汆 [cuān]
1. A cooking method where food is briefly boiled in boiling water. (English: quick-boil)
例: 鲫鱼汆汤; 汆丸子 (Example: Crucian carp quick-boiled soup; quick-boiled meatballs)
2. In dialect, a metal vessel used to boil water quickly. (English: kettle)
例: 汆子; 水汆儿 (Example: quick-boil device; boiling water)
3. To dip or immerse something in water. (English: dip)
引: 沙汀《淘金记》: 所以才几天就搁下来了,眼睁睁汆了它妈一大堆钱进去。 (Reference: "That's why I left it aside after just a few days, watching helplessly as I quick-boiled a large amount of money into it.")
4. To drift. (English: drift)
引: 《字汇·水部》: 「汆,水推物也。」 (Reference: "Quick-boil means water pushes objects.")
引: 明·无名氏《白兔记·第二出》: 「浅水滩头,汆下一个坐婆来。」 (Reference: "At the shallow water's edge, a woman drifted down.")
5. To fry in oil. (English: deep-fry)
例: 油汆豆腐; 油汆花生 (Example: deep-fried tofu; deep-fried peanuts)
引: 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·饮食类·汆猪肉皮》: 「猪肉皮略泡,入沸油汆之。」 (Reference: "Soak the pork skin slightly, then quick-boil it in boiling oil.")