Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "撺", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "撺", and master the standard way of writing the character "撺".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 撺
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "撺" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
撺 (cuān)
1. 抛掷。
(To fling; throw.)
2. 匆忙地做。
(To do something in a hurry.)
3. 〔~掇〕怂恿,从旁鼓动人,如“他一再~~我学滑冰”。亦称“撺弄”、“撺怂”、“撺嗾”。
(To instigate or encourage others to act, such as “He repeatedly urged me to learn skating.” Also known as “撺弄”, “撺怂”, “撺嗾”.)
4. 发怒。
(To get angry.)
5. 〈方〉抛;扔
(Local term meaning to fling; throw.)
例: 撺箱 (throwing a box; officials in the Song and Yuan dynasties used boxes to receive lawsuits, where plaintiffs would throw their lawsuits into the box.)
6. 匆匆忙忙地做
(To do something in a hurry.)
例: 事前不做,临时现撺 (Did not do in advance, hastily done at the last minute.)
7. 长出
(To grow.)
例: 撺茎 (to sprout or sprout stems.)
8. 怂恿,唆使别人去干坏事
(To instigate; to incite others to do bad things.)
例: 撺哄 (to instigate or deceive.)
9. 〈方〉发怒,发脾气
(To get angry or lose temper.)
例: 他撺儿了 (He got angry.)
10. 紧握。用同“攥”
(To hold; same as “攥”.)
例: 撺拳拢袖 (to clench fists and draw up sleeves.)
11. 跳。用同“蹿”
(To spring; same as “蹿”.)
例: 撺行 (to run or spring.)
12. 逃走;乱跑
(To escape; to run around.)
例: 撺行 (to run or flee.)
13. 用同“汆”。把食物放到沸水里稍微煮一下就捞出
(To quick-boil; to briefly cook food in boiling water.)
例: 撺香螺; 撺小鸡 (to quick-boil snails; to quick-boil young chickens.)