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涘 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 涘

涘 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 涘

涘 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 涘

10 strokes
涘 [sì] 1. 水边。 [En.] Riverbank. 例: 在水之涘。 Example: On the riverbank. 2. 边际;极限。 [En.] Limit. 例: 无涘涘 (无边;无限)。 Example: Limitless (no boundaries). 【本义】: 水边 [Original Meaning]: Riverbank 【造字法】: 形声。从水,矣声。 [Character Formation]: Phono-semantic compound, combining "water" and the sound component. 【引】 1. 《说文》:涘,水厓也。 [Shuowen]: "涘" refers to the bank of water. 2. 《庄子·秋水》:泾流之大,两涘渚崖之间,不辨牛马。 [Zhuangzi]: "The flow of the Jing River is vast, between the two riverbanks, one cannot distinguish between cattle and horses." 3. 唐·李朝威《柳毅传》:昨下第,闲驱泾水之涘,见大王爱女牧羊于野,风鬟两鬓,所不忍视。 [Li Chaowei, Tang Dynasty]: "Yesterday, while passing by the riverbank of the Jing River, I saw the beloved daughter of the king tending sheep in the fields, her hair flowing in the wind." 【例】 如: 岸涘; 在水之涘。 Example: Such as riverbank; on the riverbank.
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